11. Jess Fox, the power of visualisation and adapting to a new Olympic build up from the ‘World’s Greatest Paddler’.

Jun 5, 2020

Jess Fox will blow you away. She is a humble young-gun who has represented Australia since 2009 in canoe slalom in both kayaking (K1W) and canoe (CIW). Over the past 10 years Jess has acquired 26 x World Cup Gold medals, 7 x World Championship titles, and 2 x Olympic medals. Jess is also a Redbull athlete.

We deep dive into the world of her sport, the differences for male and female athletes.

At the time of our recording Jess was supposed to be in Tokyo training on the Olympic course. With the Olympic Games being postponed to July 2021, we discuss the shift in Jess’s training; how she regulates emotions – through challenges and set backs and how she is coping without the constant change of travel and location – which she deems is a vital part of her mental training. We explore how the AIS is supporting our Olympians during this time, what Jess is doing outside of training and her musings to life after Olympics.

Jess was born to Olympian and multiple world champion paddle parents. At the age of 25 her achievements saw her surpass the records set by her parents and earned her the title of “World’s Greatest Paddler”. She’s a clever lady and was Dux of her school with an ATAR of 99.1We explore the role her family has played in her sporting journey.

Jess also engaged her community during the bushfire relief efforts through one of her other talents…. you will have to listen to find out more!!!

You can follow Jess on instagram: @jessfox94


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